Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Is it over yet?

I am taking out a moment to sit and write some of the things in my head so that I stop stressing for a minute. I am feeling good, yet it is the most bizarre feeling when selling a house. This is our first house, and we have been here five years. To think that in two weeks we will not be here anymore, ever, is just weird. Will I forget and try to drive here anyway? Will the person buying it take care of it, will they treat the neighbors good? Will they take out our cool tree in the front yard? Will they get rid of the morning glories that seem to be over taking the tree? Will Dave and Amy get sick of us and boot us to the curb?

Okay, I'll stop. Like I am ever in control anyway. I am just here for the ride. Whatever happens, I hope that the people who live here after us are just as blessed as we have been. This has been a house of healing for us. There have been a lot of good memories here and I am just grateful to have been able to live in this house, and to have had the privileged of having house church here for a year. God is so good, and we are so not worthy. The appraiser will be here at nine. Nail biting time!

Time to go to my other job out in the den.

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