Monday, October 20, 2003


Just thought I would take a moment to throw up the crap in my head before I get started with this day's work. There is much to do yet, and I want to do as much as possible so that Shad doesn't have to. I am tired, sad, and worried, but excited. We take so much for granted, and by we I mean Shad and I. We have lived in this house for five years and I don't think I truly appreciated it until now. That is so sad. I remember now why I wanted this house in the first place, what attracted me to it. I feel lucky to have had it. My prayer is that the people who are in here after us are as blessed as we have been, and that they are good neighbors, and take care of the place. I feel as though we are about to embark on a new adventure, the true adventure. Not that the other adventure wouldn't have been good, just that it is not a reality, so this means it is not the true place we were meant to go. God is keeping us in the dark, and that is cool. Surprises are the best when they are surprises.

Thanks to all who are praying, and helping us out with the move. Thanks to Amy and Dave for being brave enough to take us in under their wing. Thank you God, for all you do in our lives. You have blessed us with such an awesome community of family and friends.

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