Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's Friday night, um, I meant Saturday morning!

I'm sooooo done with nutrition class! Our final presentation was on the cabbage soup diet and it rocked! Okay, I'm kind of pushing it there. It was as good as a cabbage soup presentation can get I guess. I even found an awesome head of cabbage that we used as a prop and it is currently sitting in a bag waiting to be thrown out because no one wants it. Poor cabbage head!!

I am currently watching Conan O'Brian while typing my blog thoughts. It's kind of hard to concentrate because his show is funny and ......................distracting. And I love his hair!

I see lots of traveling in my future. Yep, I'm psycho, I mean psychic.

Well, I'm off to read about human motivation as there is nothing motivating me enough to keep writing about stuff you don't really care about anyway.

Keep the peace my friend!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

I made waffles for breakfast, and we spent time watching a movie at home together as a family today. We watched Zoom which was a fun kids movie. Around one we called our family back home and spent an hour catching up on life and finalizing travel plans. Later we went to an early dinner/late lunch (what Mackenzie calls dunch) at the Red Tractor, and followed that up with a movie at the movie theatre. We saw Meet the Robinsons which was funny and had a good message. We ended the night with a trip to Cold Stone for ice cream. Despite all of the doom and gloom over the last month and the months to come, this has been a really happy day.

Our talk with the kids went something like this:

Shad-"Gram had to have some tests and the tests showed that she has some pretty bad things going on with her lungs and liver. We aren't sure what they can do about it, but she is doing alright now. So we want to take an early trip to visit with her and spend time with her and the family."

Hailey-"You mean we are going to Las Vegas?"



Shad-"We aren't sure yet, but soon. Very soon."

Hailey-"I can't wait to go swimming!"

Yep, somehow this talk just didn't go like I thought it would. Unfortunately I know that there will be more talks in time. And those will probably go a lot different.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Gram is the one in the Green. She is going to be 85 on May 14th. Our children, her great-grand children, are very close to her and love her very much. She is pretty active, and has a super sharp mind. And even though she is full of thorns sometimes, she has a huge heart and is loved very much.
Gram was told this week that she has tumors on her lungs and liver, and that she has about 3 months to live. Yes, she has lived a long life, but we love her and are very sad to hear this news. No one wants to watch a family member die of cancer, and no one wants to have to tell their children that someone in the family that they are so used to having around will no longer be around. But we have no other option. So how do you tell a child? Perhaps I will share our experience as we figure it out.

Monday, April 02, 2007

These are my beautiful kids. Yes, even the fuzzy one!

These pics are from Feb. right before a certain birthday. Actually, it was before Valentines day now that I think about it. Time sure flies fast. I am about to order pizza for the first time in a long time. Don't faint, I know it is a bit shocking, but just stay with me. It has Prosciutto, Artichoke Hearts, Lemon Feta, Caramelized Onions, Roma Tomatoes and just looks so super yummy that I am totally sold on buying one even though it is going to cost us $20.00. Normally I would not do this. We live on a budget people (Northern California, Duh) so we have not been doing the pizza thing too regularly.

I was recently attacked by some kind of starving spider. I say starving because the jerk bit me like ten times on the hip. I have had these itchy, bumpy things for over a week and the itch is getting old. Nothing has helped much and I am beginning to think these things will never leave. I hope he had a good meal, then choked to death. BIG JERK SPIDER!!!!!!!!!

I found out that a certain couple of people I know just got engaged last night. I am super happy for this couple because they have been through so much and totally deserve some happiness in their lives. So that is some happy news to take place of the yucky news I have been sharing.

Well, time to order pizza!!!!!! Yummy pizza!!!!!!!!!!!