Friday, June 22, 2007

It's a new day

Well, the family got back safe on Monday. I was happy to have some noise in the house other then me talking to myself and the dog. And some how I managed to get my living rooms clean again before they were home. I also managed to clean up the upstairs without too much distraction. Shocking I know.

I finished another class last night and have a new one starting this Thursday. It is so cool to have them going so fast. The last class was really fun, and I learned a lot which is good since learning something is the point. Next is a history class which I am looking forward to.

So I was thinking about all of the things my girls did this school year that most would consider school and I was wondering if they learned enough. Then I started putting together this photo album of shots from various events we attended and classes the girls took and I realized that they learned a ton this year. So, now I am thinking I should do a photo album for every year so I can be reminded of all of the fun stuff we did and all of the things the girls learned. That way I won't freak out and go buy tons of curriculum we don't need or won't use. As of now I have the planned curriculum stuff for next year up on the shelf and I was thinking it was looking a little thin. And actually that is a good thing. Too much curriculum turns them off to leaning. (Something I have to remind myself of often)

The County Fair starts here today and we are going after Shad gets home from work. I am excited to take pictures of the girls on the rides. We bit the bullet and bought unlimited ride passes for them this year. I am also excited to see the exhibits and find the person in charge so I can get our home school group involved for next year. There are a ton of talented kids out there in the home schooling world you know. I will share pictures when we get home.

So we are about to take off to the art studio so the girls can finish a project they started in a class they took a couple of weeks ago. They made wind chimes out of clay. They are going to be awesome! I can't wait to hang them up. Maybe I will share a picture of that too.

Hope your day is filled with fun and laughter!
Peace people

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