Sunday, November 23, 2003

Church was exactly what I needed tonight. Although there was a sadness in my heart, there was the reminder of God's love for us, and a good amount of time for reflection.

Greg did a great job.

I am filled with mixed emotions about the house. Although I am thrilled to be going to a place called home again, I am sad that we will be moving out of this house. Amy and Dave and the kids have been such an inspiration to me, and have taught me many things. I need to work on being a better friend, as I tend to be very lazy, and forget like an eighty year old which causes me to be even worse at follow through than usual. I feel like even though the house hunting turned into a stressful, and frustrating thing, Amy was so there for us, and helped us find our direction. She really took much stress out of it. I don't know that there are enough words to express just how grateful we really are for all of their help. I only hope that with the time we have left here we can drop the stress, and just live and learn.

We will be going on an overnight trip to Death Valley this week. (Shad's idea) We need a day or two to just process the past events. Many prayers to pray, many things to always be thankful for.

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