Friday, October 08, 2004


I feel as though God is telling me to create something, or to be creative. So, I have decided to take up painting again. No, I am not going to go paint my livingroom again. I am talking about oil painting. I tried it out a couple of years ago, liked it a lot, and then other things got in the way. I would also like to take another pottery class. Pottery is my first love I think. I am not sure if this is exactly what He means, but it is a start.

I have been reading a book called "Benjamin Franklin" by Walter Isaacson and I am totally in awe of just how much the one man accomplished in his life. He was ordinary, yet extraordinary. Check it out. It is a bit wordy, but so interesting.

We are going to the Renaissance Fair today. Shad wants to buy a sword, and I just want to re-pierce my nose. It is going to be a fun day only Shad has to work. :( Darn, no sword!

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