Monday, July 18, 2005

School Days

Well, my kids asked me last week when school was going to start. Being that we do school at home, I said "When do you want to start school?" They were getting bored, and so we are starting school today.

I love that my kids want to start school early. It helps me to feel like I am accomplishing THE most important thing about home schooling. That thing is giving them a love of learning. I get it now Amy.

So this day will be filled with Math lessons, writing, reading, science experiments and art. Not to mention the awesome fun of lunch making, music and house cleaning. Music and house cleaning always go together so well, don't you think?

On another note, the San Francisco thing is about 90% now. However I found out that just because they said San Francisco doesn't mean that is where we will end up. It is just the major hub and the places we could end up are San Fran, Hawaii, Guam, San Jose, Sacramento, and Oakland to name a few. I hope it is San Francisco, but we shall see. Could you imagine if we ended up in Hawaii or Guam? Whoa! Break out the surf board and sunscreen dude!

Okay, I am seriously going to find out how to put pictures up on this thing. I have wanted to share pics for a while. I am off to find out how.....

1 comment:

Amy said...

Where are the pictures? We went whale watching this week. I'll try to post a picture soon. Miss ya.