Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Gram died today.

I'm sad...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My best friend is on her way here today. Woooohoooo! We leave to pick her up at the airport in a little while. I'm looking forward to seeing her and hanging out. She has never been to San Fran so we will go there and I'm sure she will freak out and take a ton of pictures. I just hope the rain clears up before we go. The big storm that was supposed to get here yesterday and never showed up. This morning the wind is whipping a bit and it obviously rained all night and looks as though it will continue throughout the day. A good day for looking at old photos by the fire and just catching up on life.

I started writing a story last week and then my computer was attacked by a virus and I ended up losing it all. It totally sucked knowing I had written so much and "poof!" it was gone. I also had about six months worth of journal that is gone as well. That hurt. Sometimes I just hate computers.

So we are watching a Klitschko fight and it is a horrible fight. They are tackling each other and the other guy is taking huge punches but does these weird things to get hooked up with Klitschko. Crazy! I found it interesting to look at the faces of the onlookers. Most of them are men, (no big surprise there) and the interesting part is watching their faces as they watch the fight. Some of them smile the whole time, some are serious, some yelling out, I just find it interesting.

Oh, I read this book by Nikki Sixx called The Heroin Diaries over the last two days. It was very interesting to see how he would lie to himself regarding his drug use. He constantly tried to control the way he would get clean until it killed him. It is amazing he is still alive. The amount of drugs he did and with what they were, it's just amazing. If you want to know what a rockers life while on drugs was like, read it. But it is xxx so be aware. You could also check out The Dirt.

Well, Klitschko won. No suprise there. Time to get moving.
Enjoy your day!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life is Funny...ha, ha.

Working in drug recovery has been eye opening, inspiring, and painful. It has brought back many memories and gosts of the past. But I have learned a ton and have seen change within myself and most importantly, whithin the group I work with. The only bad part about this whole experience is that eventually it will come to an end and I will have to move on to another area of counseling.

Moving on to other things...

So I joined Joe in writing five pages a week and found it easy to come up with over five pages of story to write about the other night. I didn't even have any idea what I would put down on the paper, it just sort of spilled out. I am interested to see what all comes about. Then I will have to figure out what to do with it all.

Kenzie had a 24 hour flu this last week. I got home just in time to help her get to the bathroom to throw up. I felt so bad because as well all know, throwing up really sucks! It tears at my heart when my kids are sick and I can't do anything to fix it. Hopefully we all stay healthy and make it through the final leg of winter without any more sickness.

Gram is heavy on my heart as she is now unable to leave her bed. She sleeps most of the day away. I miss her and wish I was there with her so I could love on her some more.

Here is a little trivia info for President's Day...
President's Jackson and Garfield were both born in log cabbins.

That is all...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finally after nagging for two years, my best friend is going to visit. I'm very excited to share all I have learned about this wonderful place we have been blessed to live in. We will go to the city one day, then the beach the next. It's going to be nice having her here and getting a chance to catch up on life.

In other news...
The last two nights I worked, I was able to facilitate the group meeting with my friend Rebecca. We played drug jeopardy the first night which was a lot of fun for us and the clients. Then the next time we talked about relapse. That was a very serious group meeting as there were some clients going through some deep emotions that night, but they shared a ton with us and I think we all walked away with something good.

I'm totally enjoying myslef working there, although sometimes I wonder if we are doing as well as we are told by some of the counselors. I have thought about asking for a part time job there for after the interning is done, but am not sure if it will work later on when I have to do another work experience. Not to mention that they might not want to hire me anyway. And I would have to make sure school with the girls came first before any of it all. I guess I just need to do more thinking and praying about all of that.

Today is my day off from everything! I think I I can think about is getting school work done and cleaning house. I think I need a new hobby.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Ant Saga Continues...

They are attacking! I am still not sure where they are coming from, but they are there and slowly multiplying. I have taken just about everything off of the counters, sprayed, laid traps, and still they appear. The professionals are going to come on Wednesday to do thier voodoo majic but I am not looking forward to another round of battle with the little ninja ants tomorrow morning. I worked out tonight in preperation for the event. I hope I can make it another day.

Tomorrow night I am facilitating a group and we are doing drug jeapordy! I will have to share more later.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Ant Conclusion...

So after talking with my bestest friend, we came to the conclusion that the ants were either sick or at war with another colony and in need of some medical supplies. That would explain why they were in our medicine cabinet and not the pantry.
