Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I keep waiting to put anything down here until I get my pictures uploaded, however that is proving to take way too long. Only because I have come in the habit of doing everything on my computer as I sit in the living room. Sitting at a desk for me is so uncomfortable. I like to be able to stretch out and have a nice blanket over me to keep me warm. Yes, I am still cold, but warming up gradually.

Let's see, school has been really good. I have done much better than I thought I would in my current class. This Thursday is my final class in PSY and then it is off to Religious Traditions.

OH, and I went to Vegas for my brother's 40th birthday celebration. It was everything I anticipated and then some. We even had family drama, because what is a celebration in my family with out the drama?

I had a great time hanging out with my dad and brother before things got started. And during the party I got to hang out with my niece and nephew which was great. I really miss them. And I even had, um, I mean got to see my mom who isn't taking very good care of herself still. Shocker there!

Then there were the cousins I grew up with that I consider brothers. They are all getting older and perhaps a little wiser. (There is still hope in that department.) There were a few members of the family that were missing. My sister who travels way too much and couldn't be there because of work. (Damn work!) And another cousin/brother who has been banished by the others because he is an addict/currently in recovery but no one can trust if it is really true or not. I missed them, and wish they could have been there.

Oh the love of family and the wonder that is "family get togethers". I miss them all, even my mom. There are times when I wish I could have just one normal moment with them in a room together. But then, we have never had a "normal" moment in a room together as long as I can remember. For now, I am just glad to have family, as screwed up as we all are. And I will leave it at that for now.(As if I could do anything about it anyway?)

My girls are doing so much better these days. They have made a new friend, and we started going to a new event right down town on Wednesdays. We can walk there because it is so close, which is why I am so excited about it. But more then that, it has finally found us some home schoolers in our area. Although, most go to a charter school, which in my opinion isn't really home schooling. But like I said, that is my opinion. And it is based on knowing very little about charters, so who the hell am I to say what is and isn't?

There has been some drama with our home school group too. And because I am on the committee, I have been dragged into just a smidgen of it. Mostly by choice. Our group communicates via email, so I chose to make a comment that was a bit bold for me. In the end, it will all work out though. The people here floor me. That is about all I can say.

Well, that is all I can manage for today. Perhaps at some point this week I will be able to get my computer into the den and get it hooked up to allow my pictures to be down loaded. Then I can show you my crazy family members whom I love so much and reminisce about Christmas and anything else that comes up. For now, stay warm!

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