Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Step Back In Time

So I started writing a book, and well, I had to do some research so I went to the old cedar chest and pulled out a few of my old journals. I was a little afraid of what I might find in them being that these particular ones start in a not so great time of my life, but to my relief it was actually kind of fun reading them. Some of the things I was going through seem funny now and other things are just crazy. But there was also a lot of great memories that I totally forgot about. Like the time we decided to have a house church sleep over or when we went on the first (I think) trip to Zion. There were also some fun little pictures that the girls drew all over some of the pages when they were very little, and thoughts that I wrote about Shad that were fun.

Lots of memories, thoughts, fears, feelings and even joy and happiness were found withing the pages of those books. And in the end, I never did find the information I was looking for. But I am sure glad I took a step back in time.

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