Friday, September 22, 2006

Mini Vacation!!!!

I get to go see Goofy in the happiest place on earth! Okay, it's more like the most expensive place on earth, but Amy, you would be so proud of how I am organizing this trip. I learned from the best! Thanks! (Yes, I assume that Amy reads my blog. She is family, so doesn't that mean she has to?)

On another note, Hailey has to get braces, and it will be in the very near future. :(
Oh, and in about three more years or so, Mackenzie will get them too. It just might have been a mistake to take them to a Dentist who is also an Orthodontist. Ya think?

Life is good, family is good, and God is awesome. Enough said.


Susie Bageant said...

Enjoy the Magic Kingdom!! I'm praying for you and the upcoming visit and school and just life! Love you!!

Amy said...

How was Goofy? Maybe I need to take some lessons on organization from myself! I'm still trying to get moved back in. Urghh. Tell Hailey to send a picture after she gets her braces on.