Sunday, June 04, 2006

Back from Vegas

What a strange trip it's been!

It is rather weird, but going to Vegas was exciting and I was very happy to see family and friends even if for a short while. But I have to say that I am so glad to be home. I still miss my church the most and wish we could find that here.

The girls got super tan after being in the pool for up to eight hours a day for four days and I even got a little bit of sun. We had a great time visiting family, going to movies, and the best part for me was visiting with Susie and Zack. It really made me miss our church family though.

So now that we are home, I have taken on putting together a home schooling event for our group. A trip around the world in a day. It should be fun and has me dealing with difficult people. You can't please everyone. I am enjoying it though and look forward to sharing the experience with you all when it is all done.

Time now to go take care of some animals. The turtles are getting restless.


Susie Bageant said...

We miss you already! It was great having you back if even for one night!! We are planning a trip to come see you so I will let you know when to expect the invasion!!

Amy said...

Hmmmm..trip around the world. If you want to do Iceland let me know fast. They are packing our house on Wednesday! I can send you a box and a dvd of pictures.

Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »