Friday, November 26, 2004

Life, you just have to laugh at it.

I am feeling a bit dizzy this morning. Must be all of the turkey and fixin's.

I get my spot cut out in a couple of weeks. I am so very happy about that one. For those who know the true story, you will know what I mean. I guess it could be melanoma. There is cancer in my family history. All of the relatives I grew up around with the exception of my mom's mom died of cancer. I smoked as a teen and in my early 20's. Wouldn't it just be a kick in the ass?

Nothing to do now but pray that these doctors know what they are talking about.

So my dilemma for this morning is this:

Do I go out and shop on the craziest shopping day of the year? And if I do, is it wrong to buy something for myself?

Oh screw it, I'm getting my shoes on.

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