Saturday, July 31, 2004


Home! Oh the things we take for granted in this life. A shower, a pillow, our family and friends, shoes, dry air. The list goes on.

India was awesome! There aren't enough words to describe it. 60 million people live in Delhi alone! Needless to say, there were people everywhere.

God told Susie to do something, and she did it with no questions just like in the Bible. What an awesome responsibility for her, and what awesome reward to watch all that happened.

I will begin by writing some of the stuff from my journal:

July 15th, 2004 sitting in the airport, asking the girls questions:
1. What are you most excited about?
2. What are you most excited to see?
3. What are you scared of?
4. What do you think you will learn?

July 17, 2004
We have arrived! We are at the Y and I am sharing a room with Amanda. Our trip began with an hour plane ride from Vegas to L.A., then 16 1/2 hours from L.A. to Tai Pei. Then another 7 hours to Delhi.
Each stop was the same yet different. We got on the plane, and off. We went through x-rays, customs, questions, answers, filled out forms. When we got off the plane in Delhi, I was exhausted, but full of excitement.

The place seemed small, and there were tons of people just staring at us. It felt weird. We got our bags, and started towards the exit, only to be greeted by David which gave us relief I think. The trip from the building to the bus was scary. Tons of people, men trying to grab our luggage for us, and some people asking for money. We stayed in a very tight group and followed very close to David. He had people waiting to stack our luggage on top of the very mini mini van we were riding in, and before we knew it, we were off. I remember Shad saying to remember my direction, (south, north, east and west) and realizing that I had no clue what direction I had come from, let alone which way I was going.

After what seemed a very long drive, we made it to our destination. We saw many things on that first drive in Delhi. People on bikes, motorcycles, rickshaws, all cars were small,people sleeping right out in the middle of nowhere, animals roaming the streets. We heard horns honking the whole way. They honk for everything. To say "I'm turning," "I'm right beside you, or behind you, or coming around you" and it never ends. When we arrived, there were these giant black ants. Huge!

I could write pages on just our trip here, and can't imagine what we will get to experience in the next two weeks. I miss my girls.
I think my bed spread is made of silk!

So that is the first couple of entries. I will write more tomorrow. I am very glad I went, and very glad to be home.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Welcome were missed! I can't wait to hear all the stories. -Amy Ps I'm blogging now,