Saturday, April 22, 2006

We are about to go to the Farmer's Market to see what is available in the way of fresh fruit and veggies. We will walk as it is only about three blocks from the house. I love the energy there.

I took the girls to a "game club" at a local pizza place. These kids were so cool, and friendly, not to mention extremely intelligent. The parents were rude and hard to talk to. However, the girls had a good time. Hailey played a game called The Settlers of Catan which she seemed to like. Mackenzie and I played Who? What? Where? Jr. which is a lot of fun. You get three cards that tell you who to draw, what to draw them doing and where to draw them doing it. Then everyone has to try to guess the answer. I had to draw a butterfly playing a guitar in a tree and a donkey sneezing in New York City. Mackenzie got a centipede bowling in a submarine and a seal blowing bubbles in a movie theatre. Very fun game.

We haven't heard from anyone, but are sure it's all good back in Vegas. We will be there in May, then in June we go to see my sister get married in Salt Lake. That should be loads of great times and produce many memories. I get to see my favorite uncle, and my niece who I haven't seen in such a long time. We will take the girls all around down town Salt Lake while we are there and perhaps get in a school lesson or two as well.

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hisheidi said...

We got Akiane's book and are enjoying her!
I grew up in the Bay Area (Alameda, Pacifica and San Francisco) and your blog makes me miss my old stommping grounds.

hisheidi said...

We got Akiane's book and are enjoying her!
I grew up in the Bay Area (Alameda, Pacifica and San Francisco) and your blog makes me miss my old stommping grounds.

MrH said...

Hi Sherry, thank you for getting me on the road to recovery from a life of literacy coma. We are suppose to be finishing up Uncle Tom's Cabin, which I am very behind on, but am enjoying. I think the only other book I haven't finished was Lolita, but I think I might try and get clif notes for the books they read and revisit them. Thank you. It's nice to hear about you all getting settled up there. I hope you're loving it. Everything is great here. We've had some delayed weather, but we don't mind :)