Thursday, February 02, 2006

Shad went to work today at three in the morning. His usual time is around seven, but today is a special day. He is making an arrest. Anyway, that is how his work is going for those of you who are interested.

We are still unpacking, still looking for things, and our house is a mess most of the time. It is driving me a little crazy because I need to get all of this stuff done soon so I can take on school. I am about to start college again. I will be needing a lot of prayer. It isn't easy going back to school at 34 years old. I feel that God is directing me in this way though, so I am doing what He wants.

We are studying California History as required by law and my searching for a book led me to a place called The Golden Apple. It is a lot like L.I.F. but not so expensive. I found a book that is perfect. God has been doing that around here a lot. Showing me things, leading me places. We might be starting a house church here is a few months. In the History of the World that we are doing, we started reading about Ancient China and how silk is made. Then last night I was reading with Mackenzie from one of those Magic Treehouse books and it was about Ancient China as well. They even have a little thing about how silk is made and Mackenzie was amazed that we were reading this and how we had just studied about it. Her eyes twinkled with excitement which put a smile on my face as she is loving to learn more and more every day. Thanks Amy.

I am officially off of my depression meds. I dream some super vivid and crazy dreams too. But other than that, I feel good. Now I am going to tackle the other med I take.

Running and walking is nice up here and very popular. Sheba pouts if she doesn't get out to walk too. She sulks in front of the window watching people go by with their dogs. It is so sad. Oh, at the vet, we found out that Sheba is two years older than we thought. They said that a lot of places will put down a younger age of an animal so that they have a better chance of being adopted. Hailey is upset now and worried that Sheba will die sooner. And, of course I said she would, but that it doesn't change the fact that she is alive now, so we are all doing better with that now.

Missing you all.


Amy said...

Hey Girl,
Sorry I missed you call. Got your letter, thanks. Give me a call again. Dave will be gone Mon.-Wed. of next week so that would be a perfect time to catch up. Miss you guys. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sherry,
I just typed you a long e-mail and it came back to me...let me know what your e-mail address is so we can catch up. Glad to hear you guys are settling in. Sure do miss seeing you all. I'm
