Friday, May 05, 2006

So the trip to Deer Hill Farm was awesome. The girls really had a great time. We made cotton thread by carding the wool from a sheep and then pulling it and twisting it all the while trying to make it as thin as possible, and the lanolin in the wool gets all over your hands and it feels kind of good and makes your hands soft. The kids also went into the hay loft and it took quite a few kids to lift a bail of hay. They fed chickens, groomed horses, ponies, and mules. They held rabbits and chickens, went into the hen house to get eggs right from under the chickens, saw and handled the baby chicks, climbed fences, among other things. It was really great to have the girls get to experience it all. We will have to make another trip some time. They have summer camps there and there are all kind of trails around the property. Fun! Our next adventure is to travel to the Red Wood forest. But that won't be for a little while.


Amy said...

Wow, your girls made cotton thread out of wool!!! ;) I think you need more trips to the farm.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

Okay Amy, I never said I knew anything about wool or cotton. We made wool thread, and it was still the coolest thing ever. And, I may go back for a spinning lesson, they offer them during the summer.No, I am not talking about the bike classes at the gym. I'm talking spinning wheels. :b