Friday, December 07, 2007

Last Night to This Morning

So last night went something like this:

rain, rain...
wind, wind...
rain, rain...
wind, wind...
rain harder, and harder...
wind, wind, gust...
rain harder, wind gust,
POP, (the lights go out)
Um, can we sleep with you? (the kids are a little freaked)
wind, huge gust, huge gust, rain harder....
POP, (lights come on)
Um, never mind, we will go back to bed. (kids fine now)
wind, rain harder, gust...
POP, (lights go out)
Can you find us the flashlight? (kids still up! It's got to be about 2am now)
rain hard, gust, rain harder, gust...
POP, (lights come on)
POP, (lights go out)

this continues until around 6am. To say the least we are a bit tired but glad that we have power this morning. It was the largest storm I have seen in a long while.

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